Monday 16 May 2011

I CAN'T DRAW!! (pastel painting)

So today we began drawing a still life using pastel paints. Before you here about all of this important information Journal. Just remember… I CAN’T DRAW! I always feel the need to remind you of that just so whatever I say isn’t too surprising to you. I want to keep up with current events first. Remember that collage thing that I was telling you about? Well I completed it and named it The Setting Sun. Nice right, well I got 22 out of 25 for that one. Remember my still-life drawing? Well Miss checked that one and I got 17 out of 25 for that it. It was one big fail and you can see that for yourself. So now that we covered the recent events we can focus on today.
     Miss told us that there are two types of pastels, oil and chalk pastels. The one that I was to be working with was going to be chalk. She said that the best surface for working with pastels is a slightly rough surface to capture the particles and help the colours blend. She gave an example of this using a red and yellow chalk pastel. Just like she said the particles did blend to create orange but she also pointed out that there were some places in the shade where there was an optical illusion taking place, where one colour just covered the next to look like orange; it didn’t actually mix with it. Afterwards she did a quickie drawing to demonstrate how we should go about drawing our fruits. She mentioned that most all fruits have a hint of yellow in them so that would be our base colour. Afterwards she applied red to the yellow being careful to leave out the highlights. The shape of the apple was beginning to appear and she added hints of blue where there were supposed to be shadows mentioning also that it substituted black. After all of this I didn’t get enough time to finish my drawing in school so I have to finish it at home. You can see it right here actually. What do you think?
WARNING: Remember PLEASE that I don't have the ability to draw!!
For some reason I also get the feeling that oil pastels are really just crayon. They have the same type of application on paper even though the paper has been textured and the pastel collects in certain areas just like a child's drawing tool. Maybe oil pastel is just a fancy way of saying CRAYON.

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